The Evolutionary Psychiatry Special Interest Group (EPSIG) of the Royal College of Psychiatrists held a recent webinar with four speakers on topics related to attachment, child development and evolutionary psychiatry. I was happy to help with the organisation, designing the advertising materials, hosting the zoom webinar, communicating with the speakers and editing and publishing the recordings (available below). We believe this must have been the largest evolutionary psychiatry event to date, with over two hundred attendees for the live event, and the reception was extremely positive. We look forward to hosting further in-person events at the College once the pandemic restrictions have been lifted.

Annie Swanepoel – Understanding child development from an evolutionary perspective
Marinus van IJzendoorn – Institutional care is structural neglect and deviates from any 'environment of evolutionary adaptiveness'.
Jeremy Holmes – Bowlby, Darwin and group selection - a free energy neuroscience perspective.
Martin Brüne – Adult attachment and life history patterns in people with borderline personality disorder.